
Emmanuel Macron afslører næste CS:GO Major – for første gang i Paris

Så er der dato og sted klar til næste års helt store turnering i Counter-Strike. Og selveste præsident Macron har udtalt sig!

Turneringsarrangøren Blast, der har danske rødder, har netop udsendt en pressemeddelelse, hvori de afslører, at den store Major-turnering i Counter-Strike skal afholdes i Paris i 2023.

“BLAST has always had an ambition and dream to be involved in a Major, an event that is rightly viewed as the pinnacle of esports and competitive gaming. We’ve been watching and waiting for the right moment to deliver an unforgettable Major. The time is now, with the Major 2023! Over the last few years we’ve been working hard to deliver the best esports entertainment on the planet, and more recently investing in a digital platform that will allow fans to get even closer to these experiences.

Paris is a world class location to host the tournament and will precede another high profile international event in the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympics. Next year marks 10 years of Majors and we are highly confident of marking this occasion by delivering the greatest Major to date for CS:GO fans to experience and enjoy. We will be working closely with Valve to ensure we meet and exceed the community’s expectations and deliver an incredible event”, for tæller Robbie Douek, CEO hos BLAST.

Artiklen fortsætter efter annoncen:

Counter-Strike Major i Frankrig

Ingen ringere end Frankrigs præsident, Emmanuel Macron, har i samme ombæring udtalt sig om CS-turneringen.

“From next year, in May, in less than 10 months, our country will host an event that will celebrate its 10th anniversary: the Major Counter-Strike, the very first CS:GO Major organised in France and it will be at the Accor Arena in Paris”, fortæller Macron.

Datoerne er som følger:

  • RMR’s Qualifiers: Februar-marts 

  • RMR’s: 3.-9. april 

  • Major stage: 8.-21. maj 

  • Challengers stage: 8.-11. maj 

  • Legends stage: 13.-16. maj 

  • Champions stage: 18.-21. maj (Accor Arena)

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Artiklen fortsætter efter annoncen:

Counter-Strike Major i Frankrig

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